Meet Alisha

Homemaker + A Set-Apart Woman of God

First, Let me give you a virtual hug and welcome you to the blog. Let me start by saying I’m usually the last person to introduce myself in group settings, but here goes nothing.

Hey, I am Alisha!
Let me start by saying, I am a natural homebody. Don’t get me wrong, I love to be on the go, exploring, and doing all of the things, But home is just where I thrive and recharge. Growing up, I was that introverted child who stayed to herself and stayed out of trouble. You could have found me in my room listening to music, cleaning, and journaling in my diary OR making mixtapes from the songs that played on the radio. (shoutout to the early 2000s).

Fast forward, I recently crossed over into my 30’s (whoop whoop!). I have been a proud military spouse for over ten years and a grateful mother to a busy little boy, currently Living in Hawaii.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Roamans 8:28

For the most part, I have been a homemaker for the last ten+ years. For some reason, I always felt unhappy working the traditional 9 to 5, and a part of me felt like I didn’t have a sense of purpose or direction in my life. Looking back, I now realize that all along God was molding me into A Set-Apart Woman He has called me to be.

It wasn’t until I had my son that I felt immense Joy, Gratitude, and Purpose. I truly LOVE being a mother and a wife. It brings me such joy to serve my family while serving God.

In a world with lots of voices and opinions + people living their busy complicated lives…feeling the pressures of needing more when what I truly desired was less. I knew with everything in my heart that there were women just like myself who just wanted a simple ordinary life without all of the noise. So I turned to the word to learn how we are to live our lives. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 really convicted + conforted me.

I hope to Inspire and Encourage women to become the best version of themselves and nurture their relationship with God while cultivating their homes and raising a family.

“My Family is My First Ministry”

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You can also find us on Pinterest ( yep! That’s right, only Pinterest : )

Welcome Mama!

A Set-Apart Woman Living The Simple and Quiet Life

xo, Alisha
